Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I could apologise...but

I could apologise and I probably should for it being so long since my last post but that would just be pointless instead I will just say it has been a very exciting and interestingly crazy past few months. I have been writing and plotting the next few chapters in the follow up book to The Gift, also working on something completely different for a new short story series and learning the in's and outs of publishing to Kindle. I still find it amazing how characters can become like real people in a way so their stories evolve in your head as you day dream, plot and discuss with sympathetic family members! My poor husband, he is so patient. On top of this there have been lots of visits from over the ditch and some new additions to Peace Haven, twin and triplet lambs, plus plenty of calves! It is a busy season this time of year. As with many writers I have also had to fit some paying work time in so that has messed with the schedule a bit, not to mention it being strange being back in the real world! I must say though reality can provide some interesting writing fodder. I hope you are all well and enjoying the build up to the Christmas season, it is such a gorgeous time of year. Keep an eye on the blog as I update it coming up to Christmas, there is some good things coming! Isobial XXOO

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